A-Z one-stop shop for your people development projects
You need a people development programme but do not have the leadership/learning development capabilities inhouse? Or, you might have someone who can do one thing, but not all. You might also have the capabilities, but not a strong project manager to drive progress to a successful end. You only have enough budget for a project, not to have someone permanently on the company books. Managing and working with multiple suppliers is hard work, is there someone who can do it all?
TLP’s Interim Management service line offers
- all the leadership/learning development experience, knowledge and skills gained while working for top international organisations e.g. from conducting needs analyses to designing learning initiatives and developing them, to the actual delivery of training or facilitation, to finally embedding the learning into the day to day practice … an one-stop shop that can be fully or partly outsourced allowing you more time and energy for your other priorities
- a powerful track-record project management capability … projects on time, budget, quality and to expectations